DE CORAZN A CORAZN TANGO FIESTA Dear Tango Friends, We have some nice news for You! Finally we can answer to your question "WHEN will it happen?". But first of all, thank You all for your questions, support and encouragement! It's highly appreciated! On 8-10th NOVEMBER 2024 we are looking forward to meet You at the DE CORAZN A CORAZN TANGO FIESTA at the city of UNESCO heritage, KAUNAS, Lithuania. We've prepared a special program for you to experience tango in a new way. We invite you for a fantastic tango fiesta experience, full of good vibes, great energy, nice dancers, lots of hours of dancing, lovely surprises, cultural exchange and many more. It goes without saying, for this experience you have to charge your tango batteries..;) More details coming soon. Registration to the role balanced event to start shortly. Stay tuned on it. Mark your calendars for a lovely tango embrace DE CORAZON A CORAZON! Yours, DE CORAZN A CORAZN team More Info below.