Encuentro BOCA Antwerp We proudly present the BOCA 2024 edition happening on 23-24-25 August 2024. Encuentro BOCA Antwerp is an international social tango event at a unique location along the riverside of the Schelde in Antwerp. For lovers of close embrace and traditional tango with music selected by excellent DJs Entrance to the encuentro is only possible through registration For questions or messages, please do not hesitate to contact us at [hidden] Program Friday 23 August 14h00 18h30Milonga Bienvenida with DJ Lucas El Taberno 21h00 01h30Milonga Estar Bien with DJ Jo El Huracn Saturday 24 August 14h00 18h30Milonga Abrazo a Escalda with DJ Michele 21h00 01h30Milonga Noche Dulce with DJ Torsten and Christine Sunday 25 August 13h00 18h00Milonga Despedida with DJ Igoris 19h00 00h00Milonga la Boca Dulce() with DJ Jack () Entrance fee for non-encuentro participants: 12 More Info below.