In 2009, spurred by the growing popularity of Argentine Tango throughout the world, UNESCO declared Argentine Tango a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanityencouraging professional tango dancer and maestra Andrea Monti, the founderof the ATUSA organization, to dedicate more than two years of work to bring the Argentine Tango USA Official Championship Festival project to life in 2011 and pay tribute to the social and cultural aspects of tango. Since then, ARGENTINE TANGO USA has been committed to the promotion and the expansion of the Argentine Tango dance and the Argentine tango culture in the USA. ATUSA is organized and carried out solely by a team of local volunteers who strongly believe in the dissemination of the Argentine tango culture and who work year round on promoting Argentine Tango and other aspects of Argentine culture in the country. ATUSA funding is fully dependent on purchased passes for the weekend event and the support of few sponsors, friends, and family. More Info below.