Ticket sales started via: https: eventix. shop564yt33q. Early Birds: 12. 50 SOLD OUT, Regular Birds: 15. 00, Late Birds: 17. 50, Group ticket: 4 for 50. Line up main: . DJ Paul Elstak, Benny Rodrigues, Chocolate Puma, Vato Gonzalez, Erick Eerdhuizen, Mr. Belt Wezol, Flex The Flexican, Michael Christian. 2nd internship hosted by Schuren at the neighbors . HATO, DJ Fano, Don James, Tyra, Milano Angelo, DJ Mr. Miyagi, Nouk Teske. After a fantastic second edition with happy people, great music, good food and great dance steps we are preparing for Jus D'Orange 2019! . Jus D'Orange - Kingsday Festival Leiden 2019 , Saturday, April 27, 2019 (King's Day), 13: 00 - 23: 00, Cultuurplein Lammermarkt, Leiden. Tickets: , Ticket sales started via: https: eventix. shop564yt33q. Follow us on Facebook via: , https: www. facebook. comkingsdayleiden. Follow us on Insta via: , https: www. instagram. comkingsdayfestivalleiden More Info below.