Medelln On Fire The most important thing is you International Congress and Competition in one of the most attractive cities in the world Medelln An unmissable destination on the map of any traveler. Its climate, its people, its party, its aroma, everything makes this city a paradise to dance SALSA AND BACHATA with the best in the world. Be part of this EXPERIENCE ON FIREEE! Workshops - Bootcamps - Social - Challenges - International Competition and much more with the best Line - Up in South America. ALL INCLUDED IN THE FULLPASS Come enjoy, learn and share the stage with the best in the world. Let's rock the world from the center to unreachable places. June 13 to 16, 2024. For those who are passionate about competition, we have an international space where we offer all the guarantees for competitors. A transparent scoring system, AWARDS IN DOLLARS AND ON PLATE and a panel of First Level judges. Get ready! Save the date, pack your suitcase and see you at the global meeting where we will dance alongside the best in the world on the same stage. #MOF2024 Get your passes at [hidden] More Info below.