Easy dance routine for beginners from Modern Dance Workout

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Brilliant - http://www.danceclass.com/modern-dance.html This is the first of two routines from Alexx's Modern dance workout class. Here, she gives her pupils a really simple yet effective, structured dance to learn step by step. The movements she uses are easy enough for even a complete beginner to tackle, and you can do each one over until you've got it right. The steps build to a cute little routine that you can add your own personal interpretation and adaptations to if you wish - this is Modern dance after all, so there's no 'wrong' way to do it. Do the next clip in the class... http://youtu.be/Gtl9NEfjMXM Subscribe http://goo.gl/A9zV8O Channel http://www.youtube.com/danceclassvideo Google+ http://www.google.com/+DanceClassVideo Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BestDanceClass Main Site http://www.danceclass.com Hey, beginners, what to know how to dance? If you don't have the time, cash or confidence to join a dance class then why not learn from us in your own home? There's nothing easier than learning to dance online and the dance lessons and teachers we offer are some of the best in the world. Happy dancing x

Posted on: February 24, 2016 by Danceus Staff